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  1. 学生组织学生或注册的学生组织, 教师, 职员或其他大学组织, 或大学单位(书店), dining 服务) may publicly post an approved sign on university property only at an approved location if the posting is consistent with this policy and with the applicable provisions of The University of Texas System Board of Regents Rules and 规定. 标牌包括广告牌、贴花、通知、标语牌、海报和任何一种手持标牌. 一般告示板 include designated kiosks and bulletin boards. Posting is defined as any means used for displaying a sign.

    The 世界杯官方app posting policy has been adopted for the purposes described below.

    1. Information and Promotion of University Community Events and Services. (1)为高校院系和单位提供宣传活动的手段, events, 服务, 倡议和其他机构优先事项.  (2) To provide information and a means for 注册学生组织 and registered 教师/staff organizations to promote specific on-campus events. (3)允许个别学生, 教员, 工作人员在指定地点为室友张贴广告, 转租, and sales of used goods that the seller has personally owned and used.
    1. 商业物料规例. 确保遵守德克萨斯大学系统世界杯官方app征集的规定.
    1. 物理环境外观. 维护和改善校园自然环境的外观.
    2. 减少纸张废物. 减少投寄所需的纸张,并鼓励废物循环再造.
    3. 安全及紧急通告. To allow for the sharing of messages about safety, security, and emergencies. 这将包括世界杯官方app类更改的通知.
  2. 以下规则适用于大学组织成员张贴通知, 海报, 公告, 以及大学财产上的其他材料.
    1. 一般规定
      1. 认可投寄地点
        1. 经批准的通用公告栏位于南澳大学生会学生活动网站 http://www.pakata.net/sa/policies/general-posting-boards.html.
        2. 经批准的横幅位置位于世界杯官方app学生活动网站 http://www.pakata.net/sa/policies/approved-banner-locations.html.
        3. 公告板, 一般投寄除外, 由其他大学办公室维护和监督,不属于世界杯官方app的邮寄政策. Permission to post materials on these bulletin boards must be obtained through the appropriate university department.
      2. 未经批准的投寄地点
        材料只能张贴在批准的地点. 除非另有许可,否则不得在下列地点张贴材料:
        1. 电梯内张贴, 卫生间, 教室, 演讲大厅, doors, 楼梯间, 水泥墙壁, trees, 灯柱, floors, 人行道或停车场.
        2. Attached to painted, glass, cement, plastic, rubber or wooden surfaces.
        3. Posted over other approved and properly posted materials.
        4. 在大学停车场的汽车上.
      3. All materials to be posted on 一般告示板 or banners to be displayed in approved locations by students, 教师, 或员工 and 注册学生组织 must be approved for posting and stamped by the Office of Student Activities. Materials to be posted by campus departments do not require approval by the Office of Student Activities but must comply with the guidelines and the intent of the posting policy.
        1. Size. 张贴在普通公告板上的材料不得超过17 x 28英寸. Banners may not be larger than 6 x 8 feet for all locations except the second floor railing of the University Center (UC) east wing and within the Frio Street and Buena Vista Street Buildings. 在上述地点展示的横幅不得超过4英尺高,3英尺宽.
        2. 允许使用的材料数量. Posted materials are limited to one item per activity per posting location. 每个位置仅限一个横幅.
        3. 保荐个人/机构的身份证明. The name of the sponsoring individual/organization must be stated prominently on the front of all items to be posted. Individuals must also provide a phone number, e-mail address, and/or website.
        4. Non-permissible迹象. Materials to be posted may not: (1) Promote solicitation, 包括商标和品牌名称, 违反HOP 9.10.  (二)宣传非法产品或者活动的;(三)含有淫秽内容的, vulgar, 或诽谤. (4) Contain material directed to incite or produce imminent lawless action and likely to incite or produce such action. (5) Contain commercial and/or promotional material sponsored or joint sponsored by non-university organizations. (6)宣传非学校赞助的校外活动.
        5. 翻译. Materials submitted containing non-English language must provide an English translation before approval. The name of the sponsoring organization must appear in English.
        1. 损害赔偿责任. An individual/organization that posts materials in such a manner that damages university property is financially responsible for the damage.
        2. 执行. The Office of Student Activities is responsible for enforcing the posting policies as they pertain to 一般告示板 and approved locations to display banners. 大学部门和其他大学组织应该遵守这一政策.
      4. 一般告示板
        1. 可用性. 只有学生, 教师, staff, 注册学生组织, 大学院系, 及其他大学机构有权在普通公告栏张贴资料. 个别学生, 教员, and staff members may post advertisements for roommates, 转租, and sales of used goods that the seller has personally owned and used, but only on a bulletin board designated for that purpose by an academic or administrative unit in space that the unit occupies or controls. Any unit that designates a bulletin board for this purpose may regulate that bulletin board under the procedures set forth by that unit.
        2. 发布时间. All materials are approved for a posting period not to exceed two weeks. Materials promoting an event or activity must be removed by the sponsoring individual/organization within 48 hours after the conclusion of the event or activity.
        3. 维护. 普通公告板由学生活动办公室指定、监督和维护.
        4. 删除. 一般张贴板每星期会清理过期及未经批准的邮件. 除了, 发现任何违反张贴政策的材料,任何世界杯官方app学生都可以随时删除, 教师, 或员工, and submitted to the Office of Student Activities for appropriate action.
    2. 横幅规定
      1. 可用性. 仅限注册学生组织, 大学院系, 大学教职员工组织可以被批准展示横幅和海报. 注册学生张贴的横幅, staff and 教师 organizations may only be for the purpose of promoting specific on-campus events (including time, date and location) that are also appropriately entered in Rowdylink and compliant with all University rules and regulations.
      1. 发布时间. Banners are approved for a posting period not to exceed two weeks. 赞助机构必须在下午5点前将宣传某一事件或活动的横幅撤下.m. on the next school day after the conclusion of the event or activity. Banners displayed beyond the posting period or displayed without approval may be removed and disposed of by the Office of Student Activities.
      2. 维护. 主办单位负责悬挂和取下旗帜. 主办单位悬挂旗帜的材料必须由主办单位自行提供. Masking tape, string, or twine are the preferred materials for hanging banners. 在油漆栏杆上悬挂物品时,绳子和麻绳是唯一允许使用的材料. 禁止在木材或油漆表面使用管道或包装胶带和电线.
        1. 不允许在大学建筑或其他设施内进行商业征集. 不得发布销售产品和(或)服务的商业广告. University units such as the bookstore or dining 服务 are excepted.
        2. Exceptions to these rules may be made by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in coordination with the Office of Facilities for student elections and major entertainment events.
        3. Permission to post materials may be subsequently denied to any organization which fails to comply with this policy.
    3. 带有木桩的标志(庭院标志)
      1. 规定
        1. 有关大学官方活动的标志将优先考虑安置等.
        2. Signs are the responsibility of the organization/department. 该组织/部门承担放置的任何标志可能被盗或损坏的风险.
        3. Signs must be either directional signs or an announcement of a date-specific event (not to exceed a week in length). Signs announcing regularly scheduled meetings are not allowed.
        4. Signs announcing a date specific event may be posted up to ten calendar days prior to event; signs must be removed within one business day after the event. 这些时间限制不适用于主要的大学活动,如返校节, 走鹃天, 毕业, 学生会联合会选举, 和方向.
        5. Directional signs may be posted up to one calendar day prior to the event and must be removed by the calendar day after the event.
        6. Directional signs must include 活动名称和主办机构. Announcement signs must include the dates(s) of the event, 活动名称和主办机构.
        7. Any sign that is 24 x 18 (or smaller) corrugated plastic with a stake(s) made from 8 or 9 gauge steel (approximately 3mm in diameter) may be placed on 世界杯官方app property by the organization. 由于地下公用设施和灌溉, any sign larger than 24 x 18 or one with a stake(s) larger than 3mm in diameter must be placed by the Office of Facilities; the organization will be charged for this service.
        8. 木桩上的标志可以在校园周边展示,但不能沿着世界杯官方app大道展示. 花坛内不得张贴任何标志, 在消防栓旁边, 阻挡其他标志, 或者阻碍交通. 请参阅学生活动办公室的庭院标志地图,了解世界杯官方app财产上的建议位置.
        9. 如上述标志未于规定日期前移除, the organization/department may be billed for the removal.
        10. 大学保留删除违反此政策的标志的权利, 出于安全考虑, or to prevent any confusion regarding official university events.
      2. 审批流程
        1. Bring a copy of the yard sign to the Office of Student Activities (UC 1.02.08或db1.302).
        2. Complete the yard sign log (organization/department name, 联系信息, 标志数量, 事件信息, etc.).
        3. 张贴你的标志. (参考“g”.,见上述规例.)
        4. 在一个工作日内移除标识. (参考“e”."和"f ".,见上述规例.)