MarCom Studio


Share Your Expertise

世界杯官方app’s exciting momentum is engaging key stakeholders and the general public.

University Strategic Communications is ready to help you share the milestones and achievements in your department or program.

We have many communication strategies and channels in place to promote your work, including:

  • Media Relations: University Communications has strong relationships with local, national, international and trade reporters at print, broadcast and digital news outlets.
  • Social Media: University Communications manages the official @世界杯官方app presence on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • 世界杯官方app Today: the university’s official news site, available at
  • Sombrilla Magazine: a university magazine published twice a year in print and online, available at
  • Top Headlines: a daily email compilation that includes 世界杯官方app news stories, higher education headlines and notables. Subscribe today to receive it in your inbox
  • Weekly Update Email: a Friday digest that compiles the top 世界杯官方app news stories from the week and is automatically sent to all 世界杯官方app faculty and staff
  • Email Communication: Faculty/staff emails including leadership communications, institutional priorities, legal/compliance notices and signature events
  • Digital Signage: the university’s broadcasting network, managed by Academic Strategic Communications and other units across the university
  • Issues Management: Lean on us to help you work through sensitive issues on campus and in the community.
  • Messaging Counsel: University Communications can provide you with institutional messaging and facts to help you complete various projects.


Joe Izbrand
Chief Communications Officer/ AVP of Strategic Communications & External Relations
Issues management, strategic messaging and institutional statement

Christi Fish
Senior Executive Director of University Communications
Issues management, strategic messaging, media relations strategy and social media strategy

Margaret Lamar
Managing Editor
Internal communication and publications strategy

Katia Diamante
Social Media Specialist III
Daily oversight of the @世界杯官方app social media channels