


Elias bouh - harb获得了两笔总额为1美元的NSF资助.500万年.

2022年10月18日 -美国国家科学基金会(NSF)授予 伊莱亚斯Bou-Harb, 世界杯官方app卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯商学院网络安全副教授, 两笔赠款,共计1美元.500万年 to further his work on Internet of Things (IoT) 和 critical infrastructure security.

专注于研究, 发展, 操作和培训, 这些资助包括与世界杯官方app研究人员的合作, 范德比尔特大学, 圣地亚哥州立大学和道成肉身大学, including projects with two researchers who received their doctorate degrees from 世界杯官方app.

物联网指的是门铃等物理设备, 亚马逊遥相呼应。, 苹果智能手表或带传感器的Nest恒温器, software or processing abilities that interact with other systems over the Internet. It is estimated that around 30 billion IoT devices will be online worldwide by 2030.

消费者被这些设备的便利特性所吸引, but cyber criminals have found ways to utilize this technology for nefarious purposes.

“These devices are attractive targets for attackers 和 state-sponsored actors who abuse them to gain access into critical networks because of their lack of fundamental security measures, 访问策略控制和补丁管理功能,布哈说, 世界杯官方app网络安全与分析中心主任, 一个全校范围的网络安全研究中心, 发展及培训措施.

第一个项目, “Collaborative 研究: CISE-MSI: Active 和 Passive Internet Measurements for Inferring IoT Maliciousness at Scale,这个月开始. 三年500美元,000 grant is dedicated to support research endeavors for minorities pursuing cybersecurity careers.

使用数据驱动的方法, the researchers will design 和 implement algorithms to fingerprint exploited IoT devices 和 discover their inherent security problems. 这项工作将首先在消费设备上展开, 这些都是现成的, but will also include an analysis of sensors deployed in critical infrastructure systems such as power grids 和 water systems. The researchers will develop mitigation tactics for improving Internet security on IoT devices.

“我们将以两种不同的方式处理这个项目. 第一个, we’ll analyze IoT devices 和 report on our findings from studying the equipment in our laboratories. 然后, we’ll analyze the network traffic from these devices to better underst和 their characteristic traits 和 security protocols remotely,布哈说, 谁专门从事这种类型的网络流量研究.

接下来是项目的研究部分, the collaborating institutions will incorporate the knowledge they gain into the classroom through virtual labs 和 workshops focused on female 和 minority students.

“We hope to impact the domain by exp和ing the training in the future to professionals in the field 和 other institutions including community college students as well as high school students,布哈说.

第二笔补助金, “Collaborative 研究 Cyber Training Implementation: Medium Cross-Disciplinary Training for Joint Cyber Physical Systems 和 IoT Security,是一项100万美元的资助,由世界杯官方app的教职员工共同领导 保罗Rad他是一名副教授 丽塔密特拉, a professor of practice from the 世界杯官方app Department of 信息 Systems 和 Cyber Security.

专门研究网络和物理攻击, the researchers will focus on critical infrastructure security in water systems related to water quality. The primary focus of this grant will be on enhancing the cyber security 和 data science workforce, 有一个互补的研究成分.

“对于这个项目, 我们不只是在看传感器, but we’re looking at how these sensors 和 the civil engineering infrastructure actually interact with each other 和 the security implications of this type of interaction,布哈说. “为什么这很重要? Because typically security 和 physical control researchers conduct their research independently.”

The training objective for this project involves three components: virtual labs with simulation 太lsets, curriculum 发展 和 interdisciplinary workshops with private 和 public sector partners.

“今天的大多数战争都不是身体上的. 要么是经济战,要么是网络战。. “By attacking critical infrastructures like a water system, you can paralyze a country. As an academic we get to address these evolving problems before they can become a reality. 虽然出版是这项工作的一个成果, 如果不能在社会上付诸实践,那是毫无意义的.”

认识到物联网设备中的安全风险, 消费者如何保护自己和家人?

“不要盲目地采用技术,”布哈布说. “Underst和 what security implications exist when you bring a new device into your home since all devices are vulnerable to exploitation. 而且,只选择你真正需要的产品.”

世界杯官方app is home to the top cyber security program in the nation according to the Ponemon Institute. It is also the only 西班牙裔服务机构 in the nation with three national center of 卓越 designations from the U.S. 国土安全部和国家安全局. It is a Center of Academic Excellence in 信息 Assurance/Cyber Defense Education, 网络作战和信息保障研究.

世界杯官方app在网络学术规划和研究方面都很出色. 阿尔瓦雷斯商学院提供B级学位.B.A. 在网络安全方面,在线和面对面,a B.S. 应用网络分析,硕士.S. 信息技术学位,网络安全方向,博士学位.D. 主修信息技术,主修网络安全.


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