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I. 政策声明

The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) is committed to building a highly qualified and diverse staff in support of academic excellence.  识别, 招募, 留住高素质人才, 为所有大学部门提供有才华和多样化的员工是世界杯官方app的主要目标.  

II. 基本原理

This policy provides guidance to ensure that all qualified candidates (staff members and outside applicants) will be given equal consideration for posted positions without regard to race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 年龄, 资深的地位, 残疾, 性别认同, 性取向或性别.

3. 范围

This policy applies to the 招募ment of all classified, administrative and professional (A&P) 世界杯官方app的员工职位.

IV. 本政策的网站地址


V. 相关法规、政策、要求或标准

世界杯官方app或UT系统政策或校董会规则 & 规定

  1. 世界杯官方app 星星,简化的申请人推荐系统指南
  2. 世界杯官方app人力资源部就业流程
  3. 世界杯官方app员工关系提升/调动政策
  4. 世界杯官方app平权法案
  5. 世界杯官方app 跳策略.01 非歧视、性骚扰和性行为不端
  6. 世界杯官方app 跳策略.02 残疾人士
  7. 世界杯官方app 跳策略.31 国家就业和兵役登记
  8. 世界杯官方app 跳策略4.30 犯罪背景调查
  9. 世界杯官方app 跳策略.21 记录和信息的管理和保存
  10. 评议” 规则 & 规定 30108规则 前寄养儿童的就业偏好
  11. 评议” 规则 & 规定 30107规则 退伍军人就业偏好

其他政策 & 标准

  1. 德州政府法规,  第656章 招聘启事及培训
  2. 德州政府法规, 第657章 退伍军人就业偏好
  3. 德州政府法规, 第672章 前寄养儿童的就业偏好
  4. 1964年民权法案第七章

VI. 联系人

如果您对跳策略有任何疑问.02, 人员招聘, 联系以下办公室:


7. 定义

星星, Streamlined Applicant Referral S系统是世界杯官方app用来收集应用程序的基于web的程序. 

外部发布 - 这种方法用于为所有合格的候选人开放的职位做广告, 包括目前的世界杯官方app员工和公众.

内部发布 - 这些职位将只对世界杯官方app的现任雇员开放.

外广告 - 任何不是世界杯官方app赞助的发布源.

最佳候选人 - 被定义为申请人是谁, 除了满足该职位所要求的所有最低条件外, 也展示了知识, skills and abilities related to the job requirements that are determined to be sufficiently strong to make a significant contribution to the University and department.

8. 责任

  1. 招聘部门
    1. 在STARS中创建空缺职位的招聘信息.
    2. 审查和筛选通过STARS收到的所有申请.
    3. 进行采访.
    4. 选择一个决赛选手.
    5. 进行背景调查.
    6. 处理招聘建议,包括犯罪背景调查(CBC).
    7. 在HR批准招聘方案后,与申请人进行口头沟通.
    8. Documents 招募ment process and retains information based on 世界杯官方app records retention schedule.
  2. 卓越的人
    1. 审核、批准和发布通过STARS收到的工作申请.
    2. 审核和批准/不批准招聘建议.
    3. 流程cbc.
    4. 在整个招聘过程中担任顾问.

IX. 程序

  1. 一般
    1. 这些程序是一般性的,以遵守各种法律. 有关更详细的指南,请参阅 人力资源部的雇佣程序.
    2. 鼓励所有招聘部门识别潜在的少数族裔, 禁用, 老兵和女性候选人招募多样化的人才库.
    3. Search和筛选过程应遵循保密的专业标准.
    4. 所有开放的、符合福利条件的员工职位都将在STARS系统中公布. 这个系统需要用户登录. 要请求用户登录,请转到 明星的网站.
    5. 在招聘过程中创建的所有文件, 包括矩阵, 面试问题和回答, and reference checking materials should be maintained by the hiring department for a minimum of two years.
  2. 发布需求
    1. All staff and administrative positions must be posted in STARS for a minimum of five (5) calendar days (3 days for reposted positions in special circumstances). 所有职位在截止日期的午夜关闭.
    2. 职位可以发布为外部或内部.
    3. Grant funded or soft money positions with a fixed duration (temporary) will be posted indicating that the position is contingent upon the availability and continuance of funding. 此外,临时职位可能取决于工作的可用性.
  3. 投寄例外情况-以下情况不受投寄要求:
    1. 由勤工俭学学生填补的职位, 实习生, 研究员, 从事学术相关研究的助教或学生.
    2. Temporary positions (less than four and one-half months) OR part-time positions of less than twenty hours per week.
    3. Positions associated with department/group/organization that is transferred from another University or state 年龄ncy (in entirety) to 世界杯官方app. However, for those employees who choose not to be transferred, the open positions will be posted.
    4. Positions associated with an existing grant transferred from another University to include incumbents working on the grant, 赠款中指定的人员(赠款尚未确定), 或者是那些, 而是因为他们的参与, 补助金将得不到保障.
    5. 博士后职位.
  4. 外广告
    1. STARS的所有空缺职位, 除了那些张贴为“内部”的, 会被列入德州劳动力委员会吗.
    2. All advertisements of positions must carry the notation that “The University of Texas at San Antonio is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.  鼓励妇女、少数民族、退伍军人和残疾人申请.”
    3. Staff positions available at 世界杯官方app are to be described fully in advertisements according to the title of the position, 必备和优先资格, 和义务. 合格的申请人将从广泛的来源寻求.
    4. 各部门可以选择在外部刊物上刊登招聘广告. 这将由部门承担费用.
    5. 所有广告必须经过人力资源部的批准.
  5. 招聘计划
    1. 招聘部门将制定招聘计划. 以下文件, 连同书面答案/评分, 是根据世界杯官方app保留的吗 记录保留时间表. 招聘计划包括:
      1. 申请人筛选矩阵 -分析基本和首选的资格/经验;
      2. 面试问题 -向所有面试申请人提出的与工作有关的问题;
      3. 背景调查问题 - questions that are asked of all references for each finalist that is under hiring consideration and has been interviewed.
  6. 检查应用程序
    1. A screening matrix is to be used to narrow the pool of candidates to the best-qualified applicants for interview. The screening matrix should score each applicant based on 必备和优先资格 from the posting. Should a current 世界杯官方app benefits-eligible staff member be considered for interview please review the 促销/转移政策.
    2. If the hiring department considers the pool not to be sufficiently diverse or has received only a few applications, 他们有两个选择:
      1. The hiring department may request that Human Resources extend the closing date of the position.
      2. If the hiring department is not satisfied with the applicant pool and wants to 招募 a new pool, 一个新的张贴将被创建.
  7. 面试
    1. 面试过程将在招聘职位关闭前进行.
    2. Positions posted as "Open Until Filled" may begin interviews while still receiving applications. 在招聘开放期间,招聘部门必须继续审核申请.
    3. 至少, 有三个候选人要面试, 前提是至少有三个有竞争力的申请人.
    4. 面谈可以当面进行,也可以通过电话进行, 如果申请人不在当地居住. Telephonic interviews must use the same questions as the personal interviews; responses should be recorded in writing.
    5. A set of job requirement based interview questions are to be prepared in advance of the interviews. 面试问题 are to be designed to permit a fair and objective evaluation of each applicant and consist of objective, 与工作相关的调查.
    6. 每个申请人都会被问到同样的问题.
    7. 所有回答必须以书面形式记录.
    8. 为了便于做出雇佣决定,使用 采访矩阵.
  8. 最终筛选要求
    1. References are to be checked of all applicants who are under final consideration for the position; the same questions will be asked of each reference. 将每个申请人的所有答案记录下来.
    2. It is the policy of 世界杯官方app to obtain criminal history record information on applicants who are under final consideration. 招聘部门必须将CBC表格提交给人力资源部进行处理.
    3. If faced with multiple candidates that are all equal and under final consideration preference is given to those applicants that have designated Veteran or Former Foster Youth status. 这一状况在就业申请表上注明.
  9. 工作
    1. The hiring department may extend a verbal job offer to the selected candidate only after the hiring proposal has been approved by Human Resources.
    2. 如大学职员获选担任职位, transfer or promotion should take place on a date mutually agreed upon by the affected departments.

X. 初始实施的特殊说明


XI. 表单和工具/在线流程





十二世. 附录


十三世. 批准/日期修改
