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I. 政策声明

It is the policy of 世界杯官方app下载 (世界杯官方app) to evaluate performance on an annual basis for all benefits-eligible classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P)大学雇员. The performance evaluation process is designed to evaluate and provide feedback on employee performance in relation to the pre-established standards. 绩效评估可以用来帮助晋升, 保留, 薪资决定和绩效评估过程.

II. 基本原理

The purpose of this policy is to establish expectations and responsibilities for the effective administration of the performance evaluation process.

3. 范围

This policy applies to all benefits-eligible classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P)在大学规定的日期之前雇用的员工.

IV. 本政策的网站地址


V. 相关法规、政策、要求或标准

  1. 德克萨斯大学系统政策或校董会规则 & 规定
    1. 校董会规则30501员工评估
  2. 世界杯官方app 跳政策
    1. Utsa跳3.分类雇员的试用期
  3. 其他政策 & 标准
    1. 世界杯官方app员工卓越绩效管理

VI. 联系人



7. 定义

  1. 评级时期
    1. Performance evaluations are to be performed annually in accordance with the University’s published timelines.

8. 责任

  1. 员工员工
    1. Actively participate and adhere to the performance evaluation process and University established timelines.
  2. 主管
    1. 对所有适用的员工进行年度书面绩效评估.
    2. Timely completion and submission of all applicable employee performance evaluations in accordance with established timelines.
    3. 在整个绩效管理过程中提供持续的反馈.
  3. 卓越的人
    1. Provide oversight of the performance evaluation process and sends reminders to ensure timely completion.
    2. Provide tools and training to ensure employees and supervisors understand the performance evaluation system, 过程和既定的期望.
    3. 保存已完成的员工评估记录.
    4. Review employee performance evaluations for compliance with applicable federal and state laws, and rules and regulations of UT系统 Administration and 世界杯官方app’s institutional policies.
    5. Ensures that the calibration of performance evaluations occurs as part of the performance evaluation process.
  4. 合适的副总裁
    1. 确保每年对员工进行绩效评估.

IX. 程序

  1. 评估标准
    1. The University will establish the standards for which the employees will be rated. Performance evaluations will be based only on lawful, job-related, and non-discriminatory criteria.
    2. The expectations for each position should be communicated to the employee by the supervisor when the employee is hired and at the onset of each evaluation period.
    3. Evaluations will be based on specific, objective, measurable and consistently applied criteria.
  2. 过程
    1. 主管s will utilize the standard performance evaluation system and/or process provided by the University.
    2. 主管s will appropriately document strengths and areas of improvement within the annual evaluation.
    3. The employee’s immediate supervisor will complete the annual evaluation and meet with the employee to review their performance and final ratings.
    4. 主管将与员工分享绩效评估结果.
  3. 绩效评估截止日期
    1. Staff performance evaluations are to completed and submitted in accordance with University established timelines.
  4. 试用评估
    1. 主管s will evaluate newly hired benefits-eligible classified staff during their first six months of employment using the performance evaluation system and/or process provided by the University.

X. 实施的特别说明


XI. 表单和工具/在线流程

  1. 人才卓越表现管理网站

十二世. 附录


十三世. 批准/日期修改
